Quiz 1

1. Name the 10 “Ashara Mubashara”?

"The term Ashara Mubashara (the ten who were promised Paradise) designates those who were given the glad tidings of JANNAH by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) while they were living in this world. "

Abu Bakr ibn Abu Quhafa ra
Omar ibn Khattab ra
Usman ibn Affan   ra
Ali ibn Abu Talib   ra
Talha ibn Ubaydillah  ra
Zubayr ibn al-Awwaam ra
AbdurRahman ibn 'Awf  ra
Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas  ra
Sa'id ibn Zayd  ra
Abu 'Ubayda, 'Aamir ibn 'Abdillah ibn al-Jarrah ra

2. Which is the only sahaba mentioned in quran with his name?

Zaid bin Harith ra

3. About which sahaba the Prophet SAWS said this “If there were to be any prophet after me, it would have been _________”?

                   Umar ibn Khattab ra

4. The words of adhan were revealed in the dreams of which two companions of Prophet pbuh?

                   Umar ibn Khattab ra
                   Abdullah bin Zayd ra

5. What was the name of Uthman bin Affan’s ra mother?
                Arwa bin kuyrat

6. In which BATTLE was Hamza ibn Mutallib ra  martyred ?


7. Which sahaba was known as “Saifullah” - sword of Allah?

Khalid bin waleed RA

8.  Name the SAHABAS whose shroud was too small for them to cover their entire body.

Hamza ibn Mutallib ra
Musaab ibn Umair ra 
Their shroud were so small that they their remaining body was covered with grasses

9. Death of which sahaba led to the SHAKING of Allah's ARSH and why?

Saad ibn  Muadh  ra,  
On the death of this sahabi, the gates of heaven were opened,70,000 angels attendedthe funeral and the throne(arsh) of Allah swt shook with the joy at death and arrival of the companion of Prophet saws. ( read full story in given below link)

10. When prophets swt went on his night journey to miraj, he heard footsteps of ONE sahaba in JANNAH, even though he was still alive in DUNIYA.
       Name the Sahaba? What was the reason for such REWARD? 

A) Bilal ra .
Bilal ra , was always in the state of wudu and would pray 2  rakat after every  wudu.

11. Which sahaba caused disputes among the disbelievers during battle of trench ( battle of Khandaq) that led to victory?

A) Nuayem bin Masood ra  (Initially Nuayem bin Masood ra was a fierce disbeliever, but during battle of trench, he had a change of faith and decided to support Prophet saws. Read link below) 


   12         How many times is it better to read salah in congregation than praying alone?


27      times


13.        Where did the great grandmother of prophet pbuh lived?

Madina al Munavvarah



 14. Where was the Prophet Muhammad's pbuh seal of prophethood on his body?


     Between his shoulders on his back



15.     Who is the first shaheed in islam?


Sumayya ra




16.     Which duaa was recited by yunus as when he was trapped in fish belly?


A)       La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadha limeen




17.     Who committed the first murder?


A)       Qabil was the first to commit murder of his brother Habil



18.     Who gave the idea of burying the dead bodies in the ground?





19.     Prophet pbuh never used to read janazah prayer of the person involved in this sin




20.     What are the THREE things that are preserved till qiyamah so that people can learn lessons from it?

      Maqame ibraheem

Noah's ark

Firaouns body



21.     What will be the first food of jannah?

Fish liver


22.      What is the ancient name of the city Madeena Al Munavvarah?




23.        How old was prophet pbuh when he migrated to madina?


50      years


24.       Abdullah bin Masood said,

“I have learnt _______ surahs from prophets tongue”. How many surah did he learn?

70 surahs


25.     All sins of a martyr is forgiven except for one. Which one?






26.      Which surah our prophet never recited on the day of eid?

Surah Qiyamah

27.     Consumption of which animal MEAT leads to breaking of wudu?



28.     At the death of our prophet pbuh,  which sahaba kissed his forehead?

Abu bakkar siddique ra




29.     Which type of hajj did our prophet perform?




30.     Which sahaba had sweetness of voice just like dawood as?

Abu Musa Ashari



31.     Who was the slave sahaba who gifted by khadeeja to our prophet pbuh?

Zaid bin harith



32.      Mention the names of two sahabas behind  whom our prophet pbuh, performed salah in congregation?

Abu bakkar siddiq

Abdur rahman bin auf




33.     When moosa a striked his stick on the stone. How many streams of water broke?




34.       "Who is the person who never performed a prayer but is a person of Paradise?"

A)During the Battle of Uhud, Uhayrim, who remained in Madinah, started to think. What was the reason for the Muslims to work so hard for the cause they believed in and not to avoid any sacrifices? Uhayrim was thinking about it and as he thought, the light of belief started to illuminate his heart and face. Finally, he decided to become a Muslim. He uttered kalima ash-shahada.

Uhayrim was a mujahid of Islam from then on. It was impossible for him to remain in Madinah comfortably while his religious brothers fought against the ferocious polytheists and shed the blood. He girded himself with a sword and proceeded to Uhud. He arrived at Uhud at the most violent moment of the war. He fought heroically. Finally, he was severely injured and fell down.

The war was over. The Muslims had many martyrs. Those who were strong enough to walk wandered among the martyrs, trying to help the wounded. Meanwhile, they saw Uhayrim, who was about to breathe his last breath. They were very surprised because they knew him as a polytheist. Some of them even thought that he was there to help the polytheists. They approached him to find out and asked him, "O Amr! Why did you come here? Did you want to help your tribe or to help Islam?"

Uhayrim gave the following answer, which made them happy:

"I came here because of my desire for Islam. I became a Muslim. I believed in Allah and His Messenger. Then I took my sword and came here to fight against the polytheists in the way of Allah and His Messenger."

Uhayrim died a little while later and became a martyr.

The Companions informed the Messenger of Allah about him. The Prophet said, "He is a person of Paradise. He did very few things but he received a lot of rewards."

It was years after this incident. Hz. Abu Hurayra asked the people around him, They kept silent;they could not answer. Abu Hurayra said, "He is Amr bin Thabit." Then he narrated his story.Its amr bin thabit

He was initially known as uhayrim



35.     Name the gatekeeper of hell




36.     Who was called as abu anbiya?




37.     What are the four rivers of heaven consists of?








38.     Who was known as sayed ush shuhadah OR LEADER OF MATYRS?


Hamza ibn Abdul MUTTALIB



39.     Other than Saudi Arabia which two other countries have shahadah written on them?


Somaliland and Afghanistan


.      40  What did prophet pbuh say about the tears of the people of hell fire?

Abdullah ibn Qays reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the people of Hellfire will weep so much that if ships tried to sail in their tears, they would sail. Then they will weep blood in place of their tears.”

al-Mustadrak 8895

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani


41.        On the day of resurrection who will possess two tongues of fire?




42.     Name the angels who write down our deeds.




43.         Name the angels who will come to our graves to question us?




44..        Hamza ibn mutallib was martyred in which battle?




45.        Who read the nikah of prophet pbuh and khadija ra?


Abu talib.. Prophets uncle





46.      Name the prophet whose father, grand father, great grand father all were prophets - four generations?








47..      surah taha states about story of which prophet?

Musa as


48..     Name the prophet who decides to travel a months distance by morning but could reach there by afternoon, Faster than the airplane.

A) Sulaiman as

   surah saba




 49. Which surah was revealed first?

Surah alaq





50.     Who was called umm abdullah among the wives of prophet?


A) Aisha ra was called as umm abdullah

Though she did not have any children. She looked after the son of her sister Asma bint abu bakr and was called umm abdullaah


 51.    Which surah of the quran does not begin with bismillah?





52.        which wife prophet pbuh was married on the 7th sky. Nikah was read there


Zainab binte jahsh



53.        On the day of yaum al qiyamah seven types of people will be under the shade provided by Allah swt. Who will they be?


Just ruler
One attached to masjid
One worshipping alone
One who wards off attraction of female
One who hides and gives sadaqa
One who loves his bro for Allah’s sake
One who cries alone while worshipping



54.        As per the hadith from sahih bukhari

Cursing the believer is like......... him........? what is the answer?




Q55) What type of people was the Prophet Muhammad pbuh was talking about when he said they would be dragged into a prison of Hellfire, Balus, be submerged in the fire of all fires, drink the bile of the people of Hellfire, and be driven to madness?



Q56) How many people followed what nuh as said and were saved from the storm.





Q57) Jibrael as used to come disguised as which sahabi?


Dahiya kalbi ra



Q58) Who laid the foundation of kaaba πŸ•‹?



Q59) Which surah has 2 times bismillah?

Surah namal


Q60) which sahaba was called zun noorain and why?

Uthman bin Affan

Since he was married to 2 daughters of our prophet pbuh



Q61) What is the name of the gatekeeper of heaven?




Q62) Bani israel is known as the children of which prophet ?

Yaqoob as




Q63) The first muslim woman who accepted Islam?


Khadeeja ra


Q64) The first call to prayer was done by who?

Bilal ra


Q65) The holy book send down to prophet Dawood  ?



Q66) Who was called abu turab ( father of dust)

Ali ra


Q67) Which sahaba was the prophet uncle and foster brother ?

Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib


Q68)  which prophet soul was taken in fourth heaven?

Idrees as

Q69) who was known as Adam 2?

Nuh as


Q70) who was the spy ( secret keeper ) of our prophet saws?

Hudhaifa bin yaman ra


Q71) Where was Ibrahim as born? City



Q72) where did Nuh as  ark stop?

Mount joodi


Q73) Tell me the name of the PROPHETS who were called by these names







Tell me the name of the prophet who were called by these names

Kalimullah  (THE ONE WHO SPOKE TO ALLAH )                           Moosa as


Khaleelullah ( THE ONE WHO WAS ALLAH SWT FRIEND)            Ibrahim as

Najiullah (       THE ONE SAVED BY ALLAH)                                    Nooh as



Q74) Our prophet was shown a picture of one of his wives by jibraeel as in his dream saying him that 'you are going to get married to this lady'

Name the wife.?

Aisha ra


Q75) Name the only lady mentioned in quran

Mariam as


Name the five main prophets?





Mohammed pbuh

They were known as ulul aazam ( ARCH PROPHETS)


Q77) Mohammed pbuh had a child from which slave girl?

Maria qubtiya




Q78) Which sahaba was prophets father in law also and son in law also?

Umar ra


Q79) Who was the leader of the Munafiq?


Abdullah bin Ubay



Q80) After Mohammed pbuh passed away who was the first one to die from his family?

Fathima ra


Q81) Name the prophet who was murdered




Q82) Who was the writer of Mohammed pbuh?

Zayd bin thabit



Q83) The sahabi who lied in the bed instead of prophet saws  during the assassination attempt?


Ali ra



Q84)  Which sahaba performed ghusl of our prophet pbuh on his death?

Ali ra


Q85) One prayer in masjid-al-haraam  is better that how  many  normal  prayer?

1 lakh

Name the mountain that in which Ghar-e-hira is located.

Jabal al noor


Q87) On what day of the year, is the cloth of Kaaba (ghilaaf) changed?

9th DHULHIJJAH( the day of arafah)


Q88) Who was the first person to demolish all the houses near Kaaba and a built a wall around the Kaaba to set boundary?

He was a sahaba

Umar  ra



Q89)  Makkah is referred in around ten names in quran. Name any five of them other than Makkah.


Ummul qura


Al balad

Balad al ameen



Haram ameen

Wadi ghyr dhi zara




Q90) Who is the current president of Masjid-al-haraam?

Abdur rahman as sudais



Q91) Who is keeper of the key of lock on Kaaba?

Bani shayba or uthman bin talha



Q92) “ one day I woke up loving fitnah, hated the haqq,worshipped without wudhu, and I possess something that even Allah doesn’t have in all His heavens n earth “


Q1)who said this to whom?


Q2)who interpreted it ?



Hizaifa bin yaman said it to umar

Ali ra



Which sahaba was a poet?


Abu moosa

Abu hurraira

Hassan bin sabit

Abdullah bin zubair


A)       Hassan bin sabit




Q94)  Who was the chief scribe of quran?


Ubay bin kaab

Abu bakkar siddiq

Zaid bin sabit

Muaz bin jabal


A)       Abu bakkar siddiq




Q95) Assalatu khairum minannaum ...... who said this to the prophet n prophet told him to add to the

Fajr azaan ?

Bilal ibn rbah



Q96) In which SURAH unlawful murder and its consequences was discussed?


Surah maida



Q97) Which mosque was built first by nabi pbuh?




Q98) Who is the  Kunya of umar  ra?

Abu hafz



Q99)  Name the daughter of ali who was married to umar.

Umm kulsum


Q100) If prostration would have been allowed AFTER Allah swt to any other person.......

 THEN  it would have been in front of your.....?





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