π™ƒπ˜Όπ™…π™…- A lifetime experience

Hajj - A journey of a lifetime
Hajj - A physical, emotional, mental, spiritual rollercoaster
Hajj - A journey of resetting your priorities
Hajj - A journey of humble beginnings
Hajj - A journey towards your akhirah
Hajj - A journey towards a new perspective of life

Describing this journey in words is close to impossible. Only those who have experienced this will truly
relate to my words. Hajj is hard, powerful, inspiring, but in the end, Hajj is a change.
Hajj is filled with hardships and tests as it is physically and emotionally demanding. However, the reward
for it is unlike any other! It reminds us that as we go about the trials of life, things get better. ‘For indeed,
with hardship [will be] ease’ (Holy Qur’an, Surah Ash-Sharh 94:5-6). An advice to anyone planning Hajj
is to travel with an open heart and mind. Don’t set any expectations. Keep making dua and asking for
forgiveness constantly. Absorb everything around you.
Hajj showed me a whole new perspective towards life. The feeling of being in the house of the Almighty
amongst millions of other people who travelled all across from the world, dressed in the same outfit,
belonging to different financial backgrounds, varying in age groups, everyone praying in the same
direction and to the same creator, everyone begging for forgiveness and mercy, people who left behind all
their worldly affairs and possessions only to fulfil their duty towards the Almighty was beyond amazing.
It was truly a heartwarming experience to be able to reenact the moments that were undertaken by our
Prophet years ago. Hajj is deeply associated with Prophet Ibrahim and his life-story.
This journey taught me how to be more compassionate towards others. Every single person around me
was offering support to each other either by guiding them or offering help when needed in whatever form,
showing compassion towards the old and needy. Allah SWT Says that He will show Mercy to those who
are merciful to others. And this could be seen throughout our entire journey. There was this amazing vibe
and connection filled with warmth. Hajj taught me how to live in harmony. There was no room for any
feelings of superiority, arrogance, resentment and hatred and everyone was peacefully coexisting. Every
single person was there to completely submit to Allah and his supremacy. Hajj taught me to develop more
self-control and discipline over my desires. Self control teaches us to accomplish greatness not only in
this life but also in the hereafter.
One thought I carried in my mind was how will my life change post Hajj? I kept praying throughout my
journey to make me a better version of myself, to make me more patient and keep me on the right path, to
change my priorities in life, to learn to forget and forgive. This change was not overnight. It is a slow
ongoing process with lots of temptations every single day from the outside world. Some days are a
struggle and some days are a breeze. What helps me get through it is the belief that every small step I take
is benefitting my Akhirah.

Hajj for me was the beginning of a new chapter in my life which brought about a sense of inner peace and
comfort within me. It was a journey of self-reflection. It helped me pause my life and bring about
realisations of how this world is just a passing phase. There are many tests in this life, but it is ultimately
our attitudes and actions that will define how we handle them.
This life is a test by Allah but at the same time Al-Rahman, Al-Raheem is always with us, looking out for
us! The pilgrims come in peace and spend their time together in the most peaceful and respectful manner.
They respect every person and everything. They do not harm anyone or anything.This is also the spirit of
Islam. Islam is a total commitment to care, compassion and kindness. Hajj is the symbol of this
commitment and it must be manifest in our daily life. The Hajj is a re-enactment of the rituals of the great
prophets and teachers of faith. The faithful hope that it will bring about a deep spiritual transformation,
one that will make him/her a better person.
May Allah Bless all of us with health, wealth and the opportunity to perform Hajj at least once in lifetime.
Hajj Mabroor
-Salwa Parkar


  1. Masha allah 🀩 it’s beautifully written. I enjoyed reading every bit of it . May Allah accept all your duas and ibadah and grant each of us to perform hajj once in lifetime .


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