
The Quran contains ten precious advices that Luqman has advised his son, that we in turn offer to all Muslim parents, that they may communicate them to their children so that they may implement them. If these valuable advices are followed and implemented, then Muslim parents will not have to worry about the fate of their children in the Hereafter, as they will then be truly on the Straight Path that leads to Paradise, Allah willing. In these few words of advice, Luqman summed up the way to succeed in this life and on the Day of Judgment.

1 — Luqman warns his son against the greatest injustice mankind can ever commit. Allah said that Luqman said, what translated means, {O my son! Join not in worship others with Allah. Verily, joining others in worship with Allah is a great injustice indeed.} [31:13]. In this Ayah, Luqman calls his son, “My son,” so that he captures his attention and so that he would listen carefully to his father. Then he calls his son’s attention to Taw’hid, by mentioning its opposite: Shirk, which he described as, {a great injustice indeed.} Therefore, the one who associates others with Allah in worship does injustice to Allah, the Owner and Creator of the universe. A great injustice is also done to the Mushrik himself: he subjects himself to Allah’s anger and eternal punishment in Hellfire.

2 — Luqman reminds his son of the rights his parents have on him, {And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship.} [31:14]. This Ayah describes the various hardships mothers experience while bearing their children. Then, the Ayah continues, {And his weaning is in two years, give thanks to Me and your parents. Unto Me is the final destination.} [31:14]. Luqman mentions the total dependence of infants on their mothers for two years, then commands that one should thank Allah, and then thank his parents. If not, then the final destination will certainly be to Allah. {And if they both strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world kindly.} [31:15]. Here, Luqman is telling his son that if the parents are Mushrikeen —not Muslims—, then do not follow their way, for Allah’s right comes first by far. Even so, for as long as they live, treat your Mushrik parents with kindness and generosity.

3 — Luqman then describes some aspects of Allah’s Might, {O my son! If it be anything equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the Heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Verily, Allah is subtle (in bringing out that grain), Well-aware (of its place).} [31:16]. Allah’s knowledge is so Perfect that the existence of anything, big or small, is totally acknowledged and controlled by Him. Luqman tries to impress his son by reminding him of Allah’s absolute control and hold over His kingdom. Such Might and Power must not be challenged or ignored by any person.

4 — Another great advice by Luqman to his son entails commanding him to establish regular prayer on time and in the best possible performance, {O my son! Offer prayer perfectly.} [31:17]. The prayer is the direct and most crucial connection between the Muslim and his Creator. Therefore, all parents must take great care to teach and call upon their children to establish the prayer.

5 — Luqman then advises his son to be useful to his community. He said, {And enjoin (people) for good, and forbid from evil.} [31:17]. If every Muslim observes this duty that this Ayah mentions, then evil and mischief will have no place in the Muslim society, Allah willing.

6 — After the useful words of advice Luqman offered his son, he recommended patience in implementing them and in all matters of life, {And bear with patience whatever befall you. Verily, these are some of the important commandments ordered by Allah with no exemption.} [31:17]. It is a fact that when a person is righteous, he or she will be subjected to hardships and even oppression by the hand of the evildoers. Also, ignorant people neither trust nor accept what they do not know. Patience in this situations is a righteous act commanded by and rewarded for by Allah.

7 — Allah, alone, is the Exalted, Ever-High, the Creator and Owner of the universe. His sovereignty, dominion and greatness are imperishable. Mankind, on the other hand, are so weak and limited in means that they shouldn’t be arrogant towards each other. Rather be gentle towards fellow human beings and greet them with a cheerful face , {And turn not your face away from men with pride.} [31:18].

8 — Modesty and humbleness are righteous attitudes that the Muslim should have, {Nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not each arrogant boaster.} [31:18]. Modesty will also direct one to acquire the love and admiration of fellow mankind. Allah does not like arrogant people who are proud of themselves. Finally, modesty offers one direct access to the hearts and minds of people.

9 — One should also be modest while walking and talking, {And be moderate (or show no insolence) in walking.} [31:19]. It is a fact that Islam offers a code of conduct in every aspect of life in such a complete way that even the way Muslims walk and talk are regulated. Islam offers guidelines in this regard that will produce the best behavior and generate the most respect.

10 — Luqman then reminds his son that being harsh while talking will be as if one’s voice is similar the sound of the donkey. Shouting does not win hearts, rather, it will offend and alienate people, {And lower your voice. Verily the harshest of all voices is the voice (braying) of the ass!} [31:19].

In the above Ayat, Luqman has demonstrated great wisdom in the several beneficial words of advice that he gave to his son. If Muslim parents take his example and thus encourage their children to implement these great advices, then the ultimate success will be achieved by both the children and their parents, Allah willing. This is because the parents are entrusted with the care and guidance of their children, and when they accept their responsibilities and fulfill the rights their children have on them, then Allah will certainly reward them. Also, all parents will be asked about their children’s behavior on the Day of Judgment, and if the children fall short because of their parents, then punishment might not be avoidable for the parents too.


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