What can we do against CAA?
Amidst the tension that persists in our country , we all have this question arising in our minds . We assume that there’s nothing that can be done as citizens of India . But , we have the strongest weapon in our hands . Do you know what it is .. DUA !
Allah is all merciful , he knows what is happening and is watching for us to unite and rise . We Muslims have been divided by so many groups and ideologies. The citizen Amendment act is a test from Allah . To test how much we are united , to test our faith , to test our unity and above to test our power to turn back .
So friends , don’t despair ..we may not be able to protest like the real heroes ladeeda, Ayesha or shaheen . We may not be able to reach out and express our concern . But we have our biggest strength - prayer ! So don’t look back , start your dua today ,
Your dua to keep safe , our brothers and sisters representing us at jamia, at courts , at streets and every other place .
Our dua for a change in the scenario , for the unrest and tension around .
Our dua for the best to happen to Indian Muslims and India
And lastly , our dua for break the cruel and brutal government from its disastrous plans .
This is what we can do well and from our homes . It is not only a struggle for the Muslims alone ,but for other groups as well . So let our prayers reach out for a secular India and for our fellow brothers and sisters !
Let us utilise our social media platform to educate the unaware about what is CAA , forward valid & truthful information of the brutality happening and rise and stay alert .
Please forward this message , if you feel it can make the difference .
- Adv NoorulHuda
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